AMTRAK Hudson River Tunnel Project
Project Name
AMTRAK Hudson River Tunnel Project
Services Provided
Value Engineering Study
The Hudson River Tunnel Project is intended to preserve the current functionality of the Northeast Corridor’s (NEC) Hudson River rail crossing between New York and New Jersey. This project will construct two new 28-foot diameter train tunnels beneath the Hudson River connecting the new rail tunnels to the existing NEC and allow for rehabilitation of the existing NEC tunnel beneath the Hudson River, referred to as the North River Tunnel.
This Value Engineering Study focused on the civil infrastructure needed to support two new rail lines from approximately Secaucus Station in New Jersey to the Hudson Yard in Manhattan.
The VE Team developed several recommendations reducing construction cost, minimizing environmental impact on the wetlands, reducing long term tunnel maintenance, and simplifying construction.
The VE Team recommended over 10% capital cost savings from alternatives in the workshop.
For more detailed project information and results, please contact the SVS Project Manager directly