Kwajalein Atoll Air Traffic Control Tower & Terminal
USACE, Honolulu District
Project Location
Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Services Provided
Value Engineering Study
This project will construct a new Air Traffic Control Tower, Atoll Terminal building and support building which will all be connected as one structure. The Air Traffic Control Tower will be a seven-story structure with the cab floor at around 73 feet above grade. The entire structure will stand approximately 91 feet tall. The cab will be an octagon shape and approximately 650 square feet.
The SVS Team Leader, who is a Certified Value Specialist (CVS®) led a three-day Value Engineering Workshop that included a multi-disciplinary team provided by USACE Honolulu District. Following the SAVE International® value methodology process and the SVS Value Engineering Job Plan™, the Value Team generated and validated a list of design alternatives to provide the best value to the project. After the completion of the VE study, Strategic Value Solutions, in collaboration with the USACE Honolulu District and Burns and McDonnell, met to discuss the design alternatives to make decisions on which to implement into the final design.
In an extremely corrosive environment, the Value Team focused on ways to reduce corrosion by using higher grade stainless steel for exterior railings and replace the aluminum framed windows with vinyl to reduce maintenance and extend the life of these components. The team provided alternatives to ease construction and help to expedite the construction schedule. Additionally, the team was able to reduce cooling loads during operation and reduce material for construction by lowering the building slightly.
For more detailed project information and results, please contact the SVS Project Manager directly