San José-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility

Project Name
Facility-Wide Water Systems Improvements Project
Services Provided
Value Engineering Study
Project Budget
The Facility Wide Water Systems Improvements Project is a component of the San José–Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility’s 10-year $2 billion Capital Improvements Program. This project includes improvements to the potable water, groundwater, process water, and fire protection water systems. This project is to improve the reliability, resiliency, and redundancy in these critical water utility systems.
In association with Hazen and Sawyer, SVS conducted a 4 ½ day virtual workshop as part of the Value Engineering Study on the 30% design of these water systems improvements. The objective of the VE Study was to assess the design for opportunities to further the project goals and to optimize the cost effectiveness of the design.
The various alternatives identified from this study provided the City with an opportunity to save over 10% of the estimated construction cost while also reducing construction risks, improving future maintenance and repair activities, increasing redundancy, increasing resiliency, and advancing the system reliability goals.
For more detailed project information and results, please contact the SVS Project Manager directly