Savan Gut Phase II
USACE, Savannah District
Project Location
St. Thomas, USVI
Services Provided
Value Engineering Study
The primary goal of this project is to significantly reduce flood damage risks in critical areas of downtown Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. This includes safeguarding the Jane E. Tuitt Elementary School, the historic Savan neighborhood, and the Central Business District, all of which are susceptible to flash floods due to the steep slopes in the surrounding upper basin.
Phase I of the flood mitigation efforts was completed in 1989, laying the groundwork for flood control in the region. However, funding constraints prevented the initiation of Phase II, which is now planned for construction. This phase is crucial for completing the flood control system and providing long-term protection to the area.
Our commitment to efficiency and effectiveness is reflected in the Value Study conducted by our expert team. This study identified several key optimizations, including:
- Floodwall Construction: A targeted floodwall will be built in lieu of a gabion channel to direct and contain flow and protect the upper channel, reducing the need for extensive work north of Percy DeJongh Drive (i.e., the bridge crossing the channel separating the original designs proposed gabion channel and drop structure).
- Streamlined Design: The elimination of sheetpile for construction shoring in areas of shallower excavation from portions of the box culvert design, variation the catchment basin’s facing to match surrounding conditions, and the use of high early strength concrete at bridge locations for faster, stronger construction.
- Smart Construction Access: The utilization of the original design’s pocket parks as access points for construction to minimize disruption and enhance efficiency. The phasing of construction to construct the catchment basin first to manage stormwater upstream prior to beginning downstream construction.
Phase II of the Charlotte Amalie Flood Mitigation Project represents a vital investment in the future of downtown Charlotte Amalie. Through strategic infrastructure enhancements and careful design optimizations, the project will provide long-term flood protection, ensuring the safety and vitality of this historic community.
For more detailed project information and results, please contact the SVS Project Manager directly

Michael Meyer, CVS Team Leader and Project Manager PE, CVS
- +1-816-708-4342