US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
Project Location
Tillamook, OR
Services Provided
Value Engineering Study
Project Type
Coastal Infrastructure Flood Control
Project Cost
Tillamook Bay is an estuary located along the Oregon coast, in Tillamook County, directly west of the city of Portland. The Tillamook entrance is one of the most heavily used on the Oregon coast and recent surveys indicate that the Port of Garibaldi is the third busiest recreational port in Oregon. Visitors in the area spend approximately $6,747,000 on trip related expenditures to the port per year. The Port of Garibaldi is an active commercial fishing port located in the Bay. Garibaldi’s total landing volume and value in the year 2000 was 1.7 million pounds and $2.0 million. A very large portion of the economy in this area.
To ensure the economic development continues in this area due to the Port of Garibaldi, it is necessary to provide safe passage through the channel. This project looked to repair the north and south jetties of the Tillamook Bay. To assist in efforts to develop the most optimal potential design solution, Strategic Value Solutions, Inc. (SVS) was contracted by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District (District) to conduct a Value Engineering workshop to identify and develop opportunities to improve the project’s value.
The Value Study resulted in the Value Team validating the District’s decision to restore/repair the jetties to their original design length. Focus areas of the study included identifying and providing mitigation strategies to various project risks, addressing constructability issues and concerns, and ensuring continuous operations to maintain the economic stability of the area. The Value Study resulted in a Maximum Potential Cost Avoidance of approximately $49.6 million.
For more detailed project information and results, please contact the SVS Project Manager directly